Sunday, 1 January 2012

Pre-flight checks

Happy New Year Folks!

Today on New Year's day I'm double checking all my travel plans re flights,buses, ship and hotels. Composing shopping lists for sunscreen and lightweight summer wear not that conspicuous here tho' I may have to wait until I get to stateside where I'm told everything is cheaper!? Also on a crash course on my new camcorder and audio recorder.

For the Blues Cruise ( I have a cabin share with the official photographer Joe Rosen ( from NY who as a veteran of these trips is a font of knowledge and has useful connections with the musicians. I have booked into The Airport Hilton at Ft Lauderdale three days early not only to acclimatise but for the pre-sail parties and to shop for suitable gear for the theme nights!

 I shall also have to get stuck in on background research on the musico's for the Blues Matters articles.


  1. Have a great trip sunshine! Don't get up to anything I wouldn't!! (But that gives you loads of scope!)
    I'll do lots of jive practicing while you're away so hopefully not so many bruised toes for you from February onwards!!


  2. Way to go Uncle Mike! I'll be thinking of you from the frozen wastes of Scotland. Look forward to your updates. Love Catherine x

  3. I am here so that you can make me envious :-)
    Will miss you on the Lakeside dance floor.
    Have fun x

  4. Diane & I are looking forward to meeting you on the cruise & hanging out in Memphis.

  5. Have fun Grumpy and don't be naughty love Ella & Basil
